House of Chikankari, a Delhi-based artisanal-led ethnic wear D2C brand, has raised Rs 4 crore in its seed round from angel investors and micro-VC funds, including Tudip Ventures, Peyush Bansal (Lenskart), Manoj Meena (Atomberg), Ankit Nagori (Curefoods), Hitesh Dhingra (The Man Company), Alluvium Capital, and Aurinko Partners.
The proceeds will be used to expand marketing efforts, grow the team, and scale the business to Rs 100 crore in revenue.
Founded by Aakriti Rawal and Poonam Rawal, the brand bridges the gap between traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design.
Currently fulfilling around 15,000 monthly products, House of Chikankari generates 85% of its revenue through its D2C website. It is also present on marketplaces such as Nykaa, Myntra, Flipkart, Amazon, and Ajio, with plans to expand internationally to platforms like Noon and Styli.
According to the company, 30% of House of Chikankari’s revenue will come from crafts beyond Chikankari in 2025. Over the last four years, House of Chikankari has collaborated with over 10,000 artisans across India.
Featured on Shark Tank India Season 2, the brand is backed by angel investors such as Aman Gupta (boAt Lifestyle) and Peyush Bansal (Lenskart).