Credit card and loyalty management platform SaveSage Club has raised Rs 2.5 crore in an angel funding round co-led by iSEED, Alluvium Fund, and LetsVenture Fund, along with participation from angel investors including Bhavesh Gupta, Shriram Nene, Ritesh Malik, Ramneek Sehgal, Mayank Gupta, Rahul Mathur, Piyush Nangru, Utkarsh Kumar, Amit Goel, and others.
The funds will be used to expand the platform’s AI-driven capabilities, refine user experience, and drive rapid growth, SaveSage Club said in a press release.
Launched in April 2024 by Ashish Lath, SaveSage Club provides a seamless, centralized solution to track, manage, and optimize over 500 credit cards and 74 loyalty programs, including popular options like Air India Maharaja, Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer, and Marriott Bonvoy. The platform aims to reshape how users manage their credit cards and loyalty programs.
The Gurugram-based company aims to become the go-to platform for users seeking to make smarter financial decisions and maximize their rewards. The company addresses the very low awareness of reward optimization by serving as a bridge between users and their financial potential. Through its intuitive AI-powered platform, it simplifies the process of reward optimization, empowering users to effortlessly track, manage, and maximize benefits across a vast range of credit cards and loyalty programs.
According to market research, India’s credit card ecosystem is poised for exponential growth, with over 107 million credit cards in circulation across more than 60 million users. The introduction of credit cards on UPI is expected to double these figures within three years.
Within weeks of its beta launch, SaveSage Club claims to have attracted over 5,000 users, ranging from IT professionals to Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNIs), who value the platform’s ability to streamline and optimize their credit card and loyalty program reward points and benefits.